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Monday, April 25, 2011

Baptism and Resurrection Sunday

I attended services at VC yesterday.  At the end of the service I did as I always do on Baptism Sundays, I moved to the front row.  I wanted to be as close as possible to the water, to the people being baptized, to the the ones doing the baptizing.  I felt a bit like people may have felt as Jesus walked through the streets - I pressed in to get as close as I could to the place where God Himself was moving in our midst.  I sat and watched as the stream of people walked into the water and out and I did as I always do, I sat in my seat and wept.  I stretched my hand toward the waters and I prayed.  On this particular day I needed answers too.  Why God does this event touch me so deeply?  I thought first, well of course, I am filled with joy for the people (this is nice but cliche and well... kind of lame really).  I thought more and realized it was more than joy I felt.  It was a deep sense of knowing what those in the water maybe did not know.  This life they had chosen would be filled with many joys and celebrations but it would also be a difficult life with daily choices.  The need to pray for those taking this first pivotal step in their walk with God overwhelmed me.  I thought of the days ahead and of the very real hardships that lay ahead...  This first step was not the completion of God's movement but really the beginning.  As those in the water would soon learn, they had made a choice that would come with a price.  It's true, serving and loving God is not all hot fudge cake and parties, it's hard work with daily choices.   I wonder some days if I had known then about the cost, would I still have chosen this.   The answer is a resounding YES...


  1. This comment was posted on facebook by Sidney Shepherd:

    OK- so I had a very deep response to your blog . . . and then got shut out due to lack of blog profile. :( So, ha- here is my thought in response... to your blog!

    I love baptisms too and cry like a baby! And, as I read through your blog, I realized for a lot of the same reasons- much like the fact that I cry through weddings and graduations. All of our big decisions and traditions seem to come with so much hope, joy . . . and challenge. I wonder how anyone gets through the other milestones without the one that brings peace between us and our Creator?!
    Sidney Shepherd

  2. Lupe A. Gonzalez Hoyt wrote:
    I didn't respond for the same reason as Sidney mentioned. Judy, I appreciate your post very much. I'm often reminded of Mary Magdelene or the woman at the well in John 4. The height of my gratitude to our Lord and Saviour is matched by ...the depth of depravity He found me in. When we are healed, health restored, are we not glad? are we not happy that we can move freely, unencumbered by a hospital bed? The burden of guilt, unforgiveness, deep anger, regret and even shame are removed. "What sin, I don't see it anymore", He says. So we join another soul who comes for salvation and baptism covered in the righteousness of Jesus, and weep with unspeakable joy.

  3. I loved your post, as I was one of the many people baptized over the weekend. I have to say it was very emotional for me as well, and I look forward to this new beginning with Jesus by my side, with hope and faith that I'm truly excited about, even with all the challenges that lay ahead in my journey with my Lord. Thanks for your support. God bless!
